Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Particle Discoved at CERN

The new particle is a 'beauty' quark and 'beauty' anti-quark bound together. Strong nuclear force keeps them together.

BBC News:

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Planets

Summary: Kepler has recently discovered an Earth-size planet and two smaller planets that may be the charred remains of planets.

BBC News:


New Physics?

BBC News:

Quick Summary: CERN has made new developments that may change how we see physics.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Plane lightning strike lab opens

BBC Story:
quick summary: A £1.6m laboratory to investigate the effects of lightning strikes on aircraft 
opens in Cardiff.
This may not seem to relate to antimatter at all, but this is a lab that tests the effects of lightning strikes. If, in fact, the lightning behaves in the lab the same way it does naturally then it could be used to produce antimatter like natural lightning does. It would require some complex set-up to capture the antimatter but it may work. This would help advance antimatter technology and get us closer to cool new developments.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dark matter theory "may be wrong"

BBC News Story:

Summary: Scientists have been looking at the formation of dwarf galaxies and have noticed the formation does not match up exactly with their computer models. They realized this may mean their understanding of dark matter may be slightly off.

Planet with Double Sunset Found

BBC News Story:

Summary: Scientists have discovered a planet that is orbiting two suns! This is the first planet of its kind. Unlike the Star Wars planet Tatooine, this planet does not have life.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Antimatter belt around Earth discovered by Pamela craft

Scientists have discovered a region around Earth that contains the most abundant source of pbars near Earth.

This means there is a natural source of antimatter near enough to Earth to allow for cheaper study of antimatter and possibly lead to antimatter fueled spacecraft in the near future. Which would in turn lead to being able to explore further out and find few mysteries.

Full Articles:

Saturday, May 28, 2011

About this blog

Welcome to Advances in Antimatter! As you may have guessed, this blog will be centered around antimatter. I will post mostly new articles about antimatter here to have them in one place. Feel free to also ask any questions you have in the comments and I or someone else will respond. This blog is set up to follow my Critical Thinking/Gifted Expo project regarding antimatter.