Summary: Scientists have confirmed that there was water in Mars's past. This conclusion is based on rocks found in Peace Vallis. Upon examining the rocks they found three things that pointed to signs of water.
1) The rocks were smooth like pebbles here on Earth found in river beds that had been worn by the water. It was previously thought that this could have been wind erosion but the size of some rocks and the distinctive domino-like placement of the rocks points to water.
2) The rocks found are many different colors due to different chemical make ups so scientists know that these rocks were moved from their original locations. Something a river would do.
3) Using Curiosity's Chemcam, they were able to detect feldspar in the pebbles, a common mineral on Earth that weathers quickly in the presence of water.
Based on this, scientists estimate that the water flow would be about walking pace and the water depth to be anywhere between ankle-height and waist-height.
BBC News
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