Friday, January 10, 2014

New 1% Accuracy of Universe

Summary:  Set by the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), astronomers now have a new standard for measuring distances in the universe. Using baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs), they have created a standard ruler of half a billion light years long which they can use to measure distances in the universe to a 1% accuracy.
With incredibly accurate measurements, astronomers can calibrate fundamental cosmological properties that were wishy-washy at best before. The most exciting one for me, is being able to pin down how dark energy accelerates the expansion of the universe. It also can help provide a better estimate of the curvature of the universe. The latest estimates of which, seem to indicate that the universe is flatter than we previously thought. If it gets much flatter, we may find out we are living in an infinite universe.

BBC News

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